Terri, our youngest member of Team T.E.A.L.® at age 16 is committed to making a difference in her community. She learned about T.E.A.L.® at the finish line of the Queens Half Marathon in November 2017, and reached out when she heard T.E.A.L.® was looking for runners for the United Airlines NYC Half Marathon.

An avid runner, Terri’s goals for the half include finishing strong and completing the race in under two hours. Her favorite part about running is that it’s completely individual, so anytime she runs she can just focus on doing her personal best. She also loves how if you put the work in, you will see improvement. The feeling of beating a personal record or completing a challenging run is the best!

One of her focuses when it comes to ovarian cancer is reminding people that you can be diagnosed at any age. A friend of hers was diagnosed at 16! If she could change anything related to ovarian cancer, she would like to make it a lot easier to detect through either a test that screens for it, or more obvious signs and symptoms. If people are able to detect ovarian cancer earlier, then they can be treated earlier. Her advice to anyone reading is “Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for help or support. Spread the message of awareness however you can- people of all ages can be affected with ovarian cancer. It’s also not only the people diagnosed who are affected, but also their families, friends, and coworkers.” Thank you Terri for being such an inspiration to Team T.E.A.L.®!