I live in Brooklyn, NY, and was looking for a local charity to support. My running coach suggested T.E.A.L.®, and I am happy to be part of this team and support its cause.

My goal for the 2020 United Airlines NYC Half is to finish strong. I ran two half marathons in 2019 and felt a bit weak afterward. I’m focusing on building strength during training season so I can finish with my hands in the air.
I love running because it’s a great escape for me. Whatever issues I’m facing that day tend to get resolved during a good run.
If I had the power to make a difference or change related to ovarian cancer, I would make it easily treatable.
The message I would send to every amazing lady facing ovarian cancer isto not give up and not feel defeated. Take all that energy and manifest the best outcome. 
Another thing I want readers to know is that I was told by doctors once that I would not be able to have children — and now, I have two! We are more powerful than we think. Never give up on yourself.