I chose to run for T.E.A.L.® because ovarian cancer has touched my family. My grandmother passed away from ovarian cancer four years ago. She fought a hard battle for a few years.

I wanted to challenge myself and run a half marathon; I knew I wanted to do it for a purpose, and stumbled upon T.E.A.L.® while looking for a charity to support. After reading T.E.A.L.®’s mission statement, it felt like a perfect fit. I was elated when I was given the opportunity to run for such a great cause that hits home. I cherished the time I had with my grandmother, and to be able to honor her by running for T.E.A.L.® brings me so much joy.

My goal for the 2020 United Airlines NYC Half is to finish in less than two hours. It will be an ambitious goal for me, but I want to challenge myself. I’ve always enjoyed a challenge, and running this half in under two hours is no different!

My favorite part about running is the tranquility I feel when I am in the zone. I am a morning runner, and it really allows me to set the tone for the day right from the start. I also love podcasts, so it gives me a good opportunity to broaden my horizons.

If I had the power to make a difference related to ovarian cancer, I would change the costs associated with both treatment and research. Cancer is a terrible thing, and the fact that it costs families so much to help loved ones through such a trying time is truly heartbreaking. I’m very happy that in some small way the donations I raise can help achieve this goal.

If I could send a message to one special lady, I would tell my amazing grandmother how brave she was to fight so hard against ovarian cancer, and that I wish she was here to see me run.