I became aware of Tell Every Amazing Lady® because I live in the neighborhood, and noticed the T.E.A.L.® Community Center. I became involved with T.E.A.L.® when my spouse Kat and I ran the Brooklyn T.E.A.L.® 5K in 2015.

I don’t have a specific time I’m aiming to finish the 2020 United Airlines NYC Half, but I hope I’ll at least look fast if I pass my kids on the street!

What I love most about running is that it’s great exercise, and it requires discipline. When I’m running, I’m a little more disciplined about life in general.

My sister Laura was diagnosed with ovarian cancer just a couple of months ago.  If I had the power to make a difference or change in one thing related to ovarian cancer, it would be to ensure a speedy and complete recovery for her.

My message to send to one special lady is to Laura: Stay strong, and get well soon! We are pulling for you!